It was our absolute privilege last night, to attend a performance of The Rhythm Hunters in Brooklyn. I am not often lost for words frankly, but I am having to delve deeply into my vocabulary to find the expressions required to help verbally illustrate to you all, the force of what I witnessed last night.
To clear up any misconceptions firstly, I am talking Brooklyn – Australia, not Brooklyn – The Big Apple. Nonetheless the performance could easily have been transported to The Bushwick Starr venue in Brooklyn – New York with the same rapturous reviews.
For those who have never witnessed the throbbing, primal beat of these percussion geniuses, then rest assured that in their future travels they will undoubtedly reach your international neck of the woods. They are destined for glory globally, and to think I had the pleasure to immerse myself in their rhythm for nearly 4 hours, in a 100 seat venue that oozed intensity, is humbling.
The crescendo reached for the final number was apocalyptic. The pulsating beat of drums from mainly the Pacific Rim, throbbed and grew to biblical proportions as the front line-up of female performers worked the tiniest of the troupes drums to a brilliant finale, backed by the men on drums of all shapes and sizes. The larger drums required 2 men to lift them, and also required what appeared to be superhuman strength & creative manipulation, to belt them.
Backed on vocals by the Rhythm Mummas I still cannot believe the mysterious appeal of this fearless troupe as they broke the silence of Brooklyn (and probably sound barriers too) to present this faultless show.
Gerd Schmid at The Edge Art Space is proud to present his gorgeous building on the Hawkesbury River as a dedicated space for any exposure of artistic merit. It sits exceedingly well as a venue for fringe art and music events, but is fast developing a reputation for showcasing art as a gallery.
With this performance by the Rhythm Hunters, the Edge Art Space had the courage to bring a show that required multiple performers on stage, to a small 100 seat venue. To be amongst the select few at tiny tables lit with hurricane candles, served with dainty individual boxes of warm fried rice, custom-labeled wine, superb chocolates, and madeira cake felt at once homely, luxurious, romantic, and so very, very, meltingly close.
We will keep you updated via blog of the next exciting event on June 18th. "The Ice-Man"